2019 Employee of the Month
This new program will recognize and reward your hard work with a $100 gift card, certificate, and a t-shirt from The Staffing Group. We're proud to see our employees exceed our customer's expectations.
JanuaryCongratulations to Nieves Perez for being selected to our January Employee of Month winner!
AprilCongratulations to Ofelia Castro for her recognition as April's Employee of the Month!
MayCongratulations to Jovita Mendez for her recognition as May's Employee of the Month!
JuneUnfortunately, we didn't have an Employee of the Month for June. Please remember to submit your nominations.
JulyCongratulations to Espiritu Espesido for his recognition as July's Employee of the Month!
OctoberCongratulations to Lily Trujillo for her recognition as October's Employee of the Month!
NovemberCongratulations to Deysy Hernandez for her recognition as November's Employee of the Month!
December |